We are constantly expanding the range of services offered, taking care of children of all ages.




Help Videos

Here at Big Street Little Feet we are constantly trying to improve our service to you which means that there will be regular updates to our website.

Phones in particular like to restrict how often they download pages and page components because it's much quicker to display a page if you don't have to wait to re-download all parts of it.

This tends to be fine most of the time, but sometimes it means that things on a page don't work properly because it failed to download a critical page update.

If you are having problems with things functioning correctly then the first thing to try is "CLEARING CACHE" because that means the phone will then download ALL parts of the page completely and get all site updates. This commonly fixes most problems and errors.

How to do this SAFELY and without affecting other sites, or passwords, or cookies is explained in the videos below.


General Help Videos





Book A Session

Access to Big Street Little Feet requires an online booking and agreement to the Venue Terms. You will need to show your ticket (a QR code on your smartphone) at the door.

Below are videos showing how to book.